Adjusts the aspect ratio of the generated image. Example: --ar 16:9 (widescreen), --ar 1:1 (square).
Specifies the MidJourney model version to use. Example: --v 5 (Version 5), --v 4.
Applies a specific style preset to the image. Example: --style 4b (version-specific styles), or --style raw for more detailed and unfiltered results.
Determines the rendering quality and the processing time. Example: --q 2 (higher quality, slower generation), --q 1(default).
Sets a random seed to control the randomness of the output. Example: --seed 12345 (reproduces a similar output across generations).
Controls the level of randomness in image compositions. Example: --chaos 20 (adds more unpredictability), --chaos 0(default, less randomness).
Excludes specific elements from the output. Example: --no text (removes text), --no water (avoids water).
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